At Face Forward, our non-invasive body contouring procedure will remove stubborn fat deposited in areas that just won’t budge with exercise and diet alone. Come in for a free consultation with Dr. Franzia to sculpt your imperfections away forever!
Prices Updated 12/2023


If you can "grab" it, we can COOLSCULPT it.
Coolsculpting can help both women and men get rid of those stubborn fat areas once and for all. Coolsculpting is the only FDA-cleared, non-invasive, non-surgical, fat-reduction treatment that uses controlled cooling to eliminate stubborn fat - with no downtime.
Coolsculpting works by placing an applicator on top of the skin, delivering precisely controlled cooling to gently and effectively target fat cells underneath the skin, while leaving the skin itself unaffected. Initially, you may feel intense cold. This feeling usually subsides within 5 to 10 minutes as the area numbs. During your 35 minute procedure, feel free to read, check email, or even take a nap. When the skin is released, you will feel slight discomfort for a few minutes and/or may experience soreness, like a bruise, for a few days. Most patients begin to notice an improvement in 3 to 12 weeks because it takes time for the body to reabsorb the treated fat. A single treatment reduces the fat in the target area by about 20%. It is recommended to wait 3 months until the next treatment in the same area. Most patients see substantial results and reach their aesthetic goal after 2-3 treatments. Coolsculpting is most effective on large sections of fat, such as, the abdomen, back flanks (love handles), “muffin” tops, inner and outer thighs, and upper arms.
The cost depends on the size of the area treated, the number of areas treated, and the number of treatment sessions per area. Most areas need two treatments to achieve transformation.
1 Cycle
6 Cycles
(Buy 5, Get 1 Free)
12 Cycles
(Buy 8, Get 4 Free)
Our Ambassador - $500 per cycle FOREVER
(after purchase of 24 cycles from Face Forward A Medical Spa)


If you can "pinch" it...we can KYBELLA it.
Kybella can easily, quickly, efficiently, and permanently eliminate these disturbing lumps and bumps. Kybella is the first and only FDA approved fat-melting injectable drug that destroys unwanted fat cells forever. With Kybella, you can eliminate the need for liposuction or other invasive, fat-elimination techniques.There is also no anesthesia or surgery required. Through a series of small injections, Kybella (deoxycholic acid) mimics the body’s natural fat-absorption process that will make you appear thinner in the treatment area. Many people report seeing noteable treatment results in as little as 3-4 weeks, but full benefits may take up to 60-90 days. Most patients see remarkable results after 2-3 treatment sessions. The number of treatments required will depend on the amount of fat being eradicated. Once your aesthetic goal has been reached, there is no need for further treatment. When Kybella kills those fat cells, they are gone for good. Kybella is most effective on small sections of fat, such as, double chins, inner and outer arms, bra bulge, back fat, belly fat, love handles, inner and outer thighs, upper knees, or any other lumps or bumps. Patients are very happy with the no-hassle, little downtime procedure with dramatic results.
$600 per vial


If it is "soft"...we can strengthen it!
Countless men and women work their cores manually in the gym with no positive results. Now, with Cooltone abs, you can achieve a slim, sculpted waistline in just 30 minutes. The truth is that the number of crunches it takes to obtain a defined midsection is almost impossible to achieve. Thankfully, Cooltone treatments provided people with a powerful core workout that sculpts the stomach muscles. The body sculpting treatment is FDA cleared to strengthen, firm, and tone the abdominal muscles.
Cooltone areas: Abdomen, buttocks, and thighs
$1200 per area
4 treatments - 2 per week
Maintenance treatments recommended - $175 per area

Morpheus8 Body

Morpheus8 Body​
If it "flabs"...we can firm it!
Morpheus8 Body is the most advanced microneedling radiofrequency treatment and the first and only FDA approved technology to provide deep subdermal adipose tissue remodeling. This technology penetrates and delivers energy to different levels: deeper levels to contract and tighten and superficial levels to smooth and firm thin, crepey skin. All at once, Morpheus8 Body shrinks, tightens, and smooths skin anywhere on the body!
Skin Tightening, Stretch Marks, Cellulite
Small Area (business card)
Medium Area (1/2 sheet of paper)
Large Area (full sheet of paper)
20% off package of any 3
20% off Package of 3
$300 - 600 per area
$1,300 both armpits